Student Pre-Advising Worksheet
Students can type their information right into the form. Make sure you remember to save your changes. Once completed, students can upload the completed form to their Advising appointment in Nexus or bring it to their meeting with their advisor. Students may also pick up a copy of this form at The Advising Center in room 201.
General Education Courses – Fall 2025
General Education Content Area and Competency Course sheet with courses offered at the Stamford campus highlighted.
Preparing for Course Registration
Know your enrollment/pick time:
This is labeled “Enrollment Appointment” in Student Admin. Click here for a tutorial on how to view your appointed day/time.
Check if you have a hold on your account
Certain holds can prevent you from being able to register. Click here for a tutorial on how to see if you have any holds.
Always have extra courses ready in your shopping cart:
Courses in your shopping cart are not being held for you. This is why it's a good idea to have some backups on hand just in case your top choices fill up.
Meet with your advisor
Most first-year students are required to see their advisor before registration. However, either way, it's always a good idea to schedule a meeting so that you know you are on track.
Add required courses/courses of interest in your shopping cart:
It's a smart idea to add courses to your shopping cart prior to your pick time. This can make the registration process run smoother when your pick time arrives.
Use Dynamic Class Search to find courses without reserved seats:
Some sections of classes have seats that are reserved for students in a particular major or program. These classes will appear as "open" in students admin, but you can use the Dynamic Class Search to identify which sections have reserved seats and which ones don't. Click here for a tutorial on how to access and use the Dynamic Class Search.
Registering for Courses
Enroll at your appointed time:
NEVER put off registration past your pick time. You should enroll in classes as soon as you're allowed. The earlier you register, the better your choices.
Check that you are enrolling for the desired term:
The system often defaults to the next upcoming term, such as Summer or Winter. If the term is incorrect, click the green “Change Term” button to select the correct term.
Be flexible:
If you really want a class, be flexible about the section and the time. If a course you want is closed, add something in its place but keep checking the system to see if a seat eventually opens.
Before the Start of the Next Semester
If you need to alter your schedule, swap, don’t drop:
This will ensure that you will not lose your current course if the one you want doesn’t pan out.
Check your course schedule the day before classes:
It is possible that the classroom location for one or more of your courses could be changed. Be sure to check your schedule the day before classes to make sure you know where you're going!
Know the Add/Drop deadlines:
Available on the Academic Calendar
General Registration Links, Tips, and Guides
Student Administration Help Guides:
The Student Administration System has A LOT going on! Here you can find information to help you navigate and utilize Student Admin as smoothly as possible.
Registration Information and Common Questions:
Here you can find a collection of important information provided by the Registrar's Office
Quick Guide: Dynamic Class Search.pdf
This document provides a screenshot of a Dynamic Class Search and identifies the different sections you will find when performing this type of search
Permission Numbers
Have a Permission Number but not sure how to add the class. Step #14 at this link will show you where to enter it in order to add the selected course.
Glossary of Student Admin terms.pdfNot sure what a "pick time" is? Confused about the difference between a double versus a dual degree? Here you can find a list of commonly used Advising and StudentAdmin terms.